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Are you aware of the effect sugar has on brain health?

Eating sugar not only affects your waistline, it doubles your risk of cognitive impairment. Too much sugar can give rise to inflammation in the gut, which can cause neurodegeneration (nerve cell breakdown) and ultimately lead to memory loss. The good news is that 60% of cognitive decline can be prevented by managing blood sugar! Here are some ways to keep track:

Simple Steps for Managing your Blood Sugar

  1. Know your levels. Getting a blood test done is vital in this process. Test; don’t guess!
  2. Make changes to your diet to reduce the number of sugary foods or drinks you have a day.
  3. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Add in HIIT exercises to make your muscles hungry for glucose so the sugar gets pulled out of your bloodstream. Research shows that exercising just twice per week cuts your risk of developing Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia later in life by more than half.
  4. Reduce stress levels so that cortisol does not increase blood sugar levels. Meditate, pray, spend time with your best friends, walk in nature, even knit! If you are overwhelmed with your everyday duties, we encourage you to ask for help. Just a 30 minute walk for some fresh air will make a dramatic difference if you make it part of your routine.

Your brain’s health is your greatest wealth. Ask our office how we can help you regulate your blood sugar.

Health Connection Wellness

Author Health Connection Wellness

We take people from sick, tired, and stressed to healthy, happy, and thriving with our comprehensive wellness programs.

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