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Ladies, have you heard of seed cycling?

Seed cycling provides the perfect nutrients to help build your hormones. It’s recommended for all women, especially for those coming off birth control or struggling with Post Birth Control Syndrome. The latter can include acne, irregular periods, or new onset of PMS. You’ll want to give yourself a full cycle of using seeds before you note any changes. Typically, seed cycling needs to be coupled with other hormone-supporting practices to have a noticeable effect. You can’t expect a seed cycle to work without any vegetables or adequate sleep! Any real change to your hormones will require a true lifestyle change.

To seed cycle, you’ll be tracking your menstrual cycle and changing your seeds to match the phase you are in. Research has shown that seeds are beneficial in improving estrogen and progesterone rations, preventing heart disease, and even supporting healthy bones. Some are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower inflammation and the effects of prostaglandins. Contact our office to learn which seeds and what plans will work for you!

Here are a few ideas you can use to implement seeds into your diet. These practices work best when the seeds are freshly ground, but they need to be raw.

  • Make a fresh seed butter to enjoy with fresh fruit, on gluten-free toast, or mixed into a smoothie.
  • Make a raw seed-based granola to sprinkle on your yogurt.
  • Include the seeds in a homemade no-bake energy bar or cookie recipe.
  • Create a fresh (untoasted) tahini.
  • Add them into your salads or oatmeal.

If you are experiencing painful periods, PCOS symptoms, acne, amenorrhea, or breast tenderness, contact our office today for guidance. Our wellness program is the perfect way to start a game plan for seed cycling and other hormone-supporting solutions.

Health Connection Wellness

Author Health Connection Wellness

We take people from sick, tired, and stressed to healthy, happy, and thriving with our comprehensive wellness programs.

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