If you are on a specialized diet for your health, the holidays might be a source of anxiety when trying to figure out what to eat. But with some thoughtful planning, you can survive and thrive during the holiday season! Here are 10 helpful tips on how to stick to your diet this Christmas:
1. Plan ahead and try to predict which events will be especially challenging.
2. Pack healthy foods when traveling. Fresh veggies, fruit, jerky, nuts, and seeds are great options if your diet permits.
3. If you are driving overnight and plan to stay in a hotel, request a mini fridge. Make sure to bring along a pre-made dinner and breakfast in a cooler!
4. Kindly educate your hosts. Don’t expect your hosts to remake the entire meal, but most of the time, there are some easy modifications they can make, like subbing coconut oil for butter in mashed potatoes.
5. If your travel plans permit, offer to bring a diet-friendly food or two for Christmas dinner. This will ensure that you have something to eat and take some pressure off your hosts.
6. Always have an emergency snack in your purse and car.
7. If you start to feel judged or prefer not to discuss your health choices at the dinner table, that’s okay! Direct the conversation elsewhere at family gatherings.
8. Have someone you’re extra close to keep you accountable. If you get any unwanted questions or comments from others about your diet, your accountability partner can also help you respond and change the subject.
9. Learn to say “no”! This can be difficult and scary for those who aren’t used to saying it. However, the more you practice, the easier it gets, the better you get at saying it kindly, and the less guilty you feel for saying it.
10. Most importantly—stay on track! Your health is worth it.
If you need nutritional guidance for your health concerns, contact our office! We’re passionate about helping people take control of their health and seeing them thrive in that.

From all of us here at Health Connection, Merry Christmas!