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Did you know turmeric has amazing health benefits? This spice tastes delicious when cooked with chicken, rice, lamb, and curry. It also pairs nicely with tea and cider! Taste aside, turmeric’s best quality is its knack for benefitting consumers’ health. Here, we will list 10 reasons why you should start using this super spice.

10 Health Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Lowers inflammation. Inflammation is a root cause of many health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and cancer.
  2. Increases antioxidant capacity and helps fight free-radical damage.
  3. Boosts your immune system. Pairing turmeric with black pepper makes it even more powerful by enhancing absorption.
  4. Eases joint pain and soothes soreness.
  5. Can help treat and prevent cancer.
  6. Can improve endothelial function and protect your heart.
  7. Helps heal your gut.
  8. Boosts your mood and helps to regulate neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine).
  9. Can help stave off neurodegenerative diseases.
  10. Improves long-term cognitive function.

Who doesn’t need at least one of those health boosts? You can start putting turmeric to use with these delicious recipes!

If you’re looking to up your health food game, ask our office for more nutritional guidance and how you can get started on our wellness program!

Health Connection Wellness

Author Health Connection Wellness

We take people from sick, tired, and stressed to healthy, happy, and thriving with our comprehensive wellness programs.

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