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One small lifestyle change can have a groundbreaking ripple effect. Practice self-discipline one day at a time to unlock new opportunities! If you’ve been overwhelmed lately or are going through a challenging time, try at least one of these healthy disciplines to feel more grounded:

  1. Set financial goals: Consider short-term or long-term goals for getting your finances in shape. If you haven’t already, creating a monthly budget is a great place to start. Make sure to save receipts and bills so you can assess spending patterns!
  2. Limit unhealthy foods: If you regularly consume alcohol, caffeine, and sugar, begin limiting how much you have. Indulging in these substances more mindfully can have a positive effect on your physical and emotional health. Remember, it all starts with what you buy at the grocery store. Since this can be such a difficult discipline to start, you may want to ask our office for guidance on this.
  3. Keep your living space tidy: Your outer environment will help keep your mind quiet and calm.
  4. Get outside! Take a hike, go for a run, or have a picnic. You can also set exercise goals to increase your strength, agility, and stamina. Ask our office how we can help you get started!
  5. Set technology boundaries: If you need to use a computer or phone, we suggest looking into “blue blockers!”
  6. Stay connected to other people: Make human interaction a priority and schedule it into your calendar.
  7. Take a healthy risk: Maybe you can start working on that dream of yours and start putting things into action.
  8. Practice patience: Make yourself patiently wait for a day or two before making a purchase on something you simply just “want.”
  9. Practice honor and respect: Observe the way you talk to friends, family and strangers. Treat them with the dignity and kindness that all humans deserve. “Treat others how you want to be treated.”
  10. Set professional goals: If you struggle to find meaning in your work, set some goals to achieve. Even if you love your job, setting goals will keep your tasks feeling fresh and new. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with getting better at something you’re passionate about!

Practice these disciplines one day at a time. Eventually, they’ll become habits! If you’re ready to live a healthier life, contact our office today. Our wellness program is available in-person and online so you can get to the root of your health problems, learn what foods and supplements are right for you, and engage in exercises tailored to your needs.

Healthy living starts today!

Health Connection Wellness

Author Health Connection Wellness

We take people from sick, tired, and stressed to healthy, happy, and thriving with our comprehensive wellness programs.

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